Tirumala Darshan Tokens through Srivari Mettu Location and Timings

Where can I get darshan tokens if I go to tirumala through Srivari Mettu foot pathway?

The devotees who are going to tirumala through Srivari Mettu by trekking the steps.

Devotees can get Divya Darshan token(the free darshan token which is specially given to the devotees who treks on steps to reach tirumala) but not issuing at Alipiri footpath way. There are total 3550 steps in Alipiri footpath way but there are only 2388 steps in srivari mettu foot pathway. The tickets will be issued for the same day at Srivari Mettu foot pathway from early morning 6 am the darshan may take upto 3 to 4 hours based on the rush in the temple. The devotee who has taken the token must get it scanned at the counter present in 1250 step on foot pathway otherwise you will not be allowed to have darshan. Individual Adhar cards are mandatory for getting the tokens.

If you can reach Srivari Mettu foot pathway early morning from 4:30 to 5:30 you are more likely to get the token generally these tokens are available till 7 am in the morning time may vary based on the rush. Like Alipiri Srivari Mettu also offers baggage deposit facility where you can deposit your baggage while starting your trek and collect your luggage after reaching Tirumala.

Keywords: Tirumala Srivari Mettu token, Timings, Location, Alipiri Footpath.   

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